Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Two new studies support the efforts of states in imposing restrictions on teen driving.

Teens who drive with peers as passengers have increased risks of crashing, previous research has shown. Many states have responded by creating graduated driver licensing laws that include limits on the number of passengers teen drivers can have. Read this article to learn more....


Thursday, January 26, 2012

Things to consider when renting a car....

You’ve probably been there before. You’re standing at the car rental counter, and the agent is trying to terrify you into purchasing an insurance package that totals more than the rental itself. After all, they’re not getting rich off that super $10 a-day deal that you snagged on-line.


Tuesday, January 24, 2012

What Determines The Price Of My Auto Insurance Policy? Read here to find out........


Tuesday, January 17, 2012

The Value of Building Codes

The purpose of residential building codes is to assure that minimum acceptable standards are used in the design, construction and maintenance of the places where people live. Building codes are intended to increase the safety and integrity of structures, thereby reducing deaths, injuries and property damage from a wide range of hazards. The adoption and enforcement of building codes are especially important for residential buildings because registered design professionals (e.g., engineers and architects) are less likely to be involved in home design than commercial construction. Click the link to read more....


Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Make A New Year’s Resolution To Avoid Costly Insurance Mistakes And Save Money On Your Auto And Homeowners Insurance In 2012

Five Tips To Prevent You From Ending Up Dangerously Underinsured


Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Home insurance rates likely to go higher....
Please let us know how we can help you review your deductibles as well as make sure you're getting all of this discounts possible.


Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Fire Safety Basics - Home Fire Safety Checklist

More than 386,000 unintentional residential fires occur annually in the United States according to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC). "A Fire Safe Home: CPSC and NFPA Urge Consumers to Install Smoke Alarms, Practice a Family Escape Plan," CPSC (Oct. 12, 2011).

Approximately 2,400 people die in these fires every year. Thousands of others are injured.

Read below to find out how to stay safe and get your home fire safety checklist.
