Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Healthcare Open Enrollment Deadline - March 2014

Healthcare Open Enrollment Deadline - March 2014

All of the problems over the launch of the Affordable Care Act, a.k.a. Obamacare, led to a number of executive changes, which have added to the confusion. The Open Enrollment deadline, however, remains a firm date: March 31, 2014.  If you miss that deadline, you might not be eligible to enroll in a health insurance plan until next year—most likely November 15, 2014 to January 15, 2014.

Where do you stand?

If you began an online application but did not complete it, you’ll need to compare health plans that are available to you through the Marketplace and then choose a plan in which to enroll.

If you began an application on paper or by phone, you’ll need to take the final steps to finalize the process. You would have received an eligibility notice in one of three ways: by mail, via a message in your HealthCare.gov account that says your eligibility results are available, or by phone.

You can complete the application as follows:
·         By phoning the call center, as long as if you have an application ID
- Call 1-800-318-2596 (TTY: 1-855-889-4325).
- A call center representative can help you compare and choose a plan.
·         By visiting the website, clicking your online application, selecting “View Eligibility Requirements”

If your eligibility notice came in the mail, you should find your application ID at the top of the page. If you do not yet have an application ID, you can also obtain one from the call center.

If you have not initiated (or completed) the online application process, you would take the following steps:
1.       Establish (or log into) your Marketplace account
-          If you don’t have an account, start with the “create account” page. 
-          If you have an account, log in, choose “find my existing application,” and enter your application ID.
2.       Your application ID allows you to view and compare the plans available to you.
3.       Select a plan and pay your premium.

The most important step is the last. Whether you complete your enrollment online or by phone, you are required to pay your first month’s premium directly to the insurance company—not to the Marketplace. Coverage does not take effect until your premium is received.

Special life events will qualify you to purchase health insurance outside the enrollment period:

·         Marrying
·         Having or adopting a child
·         Moving to a new area with different plans
·         Losing health coverage through a job loss or because you no longer meet eligibility requirements, such as via COBRA or Medicaid
·         Losing another plan because it is deemed ineligible
·         Experiencing a change in income that affects tax credits, etc.

Details are available on the Healthcare.gov website.

Whether or not you are happy with the current healthcare laws, keep in mind that you could owe a penalty if you (including members of your household) don’t have health insurance for over three months during a year. The penalty might not be much, but you’ll want to evaluate the risk of not having any health insurance, especially if you cannot afford to self-insure.