Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Spring has arrived with your to-do list!

March 20th marked the official arrival of spring and with it, warmer weather, allergies, and a plethora of to-dos.  I don't know about you, but Siri (iPhone personal assistant) reminded me it was time to do a few things around my house.  I thought for this month's blog, I'd send you those same reminders.  
  • Change the batteries in all smoke detectors - Over 3,000 people die annually from fires in the home.  Check your specific smoke detector, but most take a battery.  It is a good idea to get in the habit of changing the battery every time you change your clocks (in the fall and spring).  A few dollars on batteries could save lives and property.  There have also been advancements in smoke detectors where batteries last a guaranteed 10 years.  If you install one of these, make sure to add a reminder to your phone to replace the unit.  
  • Change home air filters - Most air filters are designed to be changed every 90 days (check your specific air filter).  Dirty air filters are the number one reason heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) units don’t work as efficiently as they should.  A dirty filter prevents the proper flow of air and makes the unit work harder.  Dirty filters add to poor quality of air in the home and can aggravate allergies and asthma.   Your home will have more dust and get dirtier quicker with poor air quality.  When your HVAC system has to work harder, you'll see an increase in your energy bills too.  Buying in bulk can save you money and always ensure you have a replacement filter ready to install.  Visit your local hardware store to purchase. 
  • Flush your water heater - You should flush a tank every few years.  Flushing out your tank will make it last longer and work more efficiently.  Over the years, sediment will form on the bottom of your tank.  This sediment does not dissolve in water.  Please see your tank's instructions for flushing.  Please remember to turn off the gas or power when doing the flush.  A proper flushing can save on the time it takes to heat your water while also extending the life of your water heater.

For more information, please visit our website at www.siegelinsurance.com or check us out on your favorite social media platform: Google + / Facebook / Pinterest

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Valentine's Day Approaches - Time to Think About Jewelry Coverage

As Valentine’s Day approaches, we start thinking about how we can demonstrate to our loved ones how much we care with gifts ranging from thoughtful and unique to beautiful and extravagant.  Despite the setbacks we have seen in the recent economy, the luxury market has seen exponential growth, particularly in regards to jewelry. As this market continues to grow, so does the cost of creating and replacing fine jewelry as the price of precious metals, diamonds and gemstones continue to rise. 

At Siegel Insurance, we look to provide the best possible coverage for your personal needs to cover your belongings as most beneficial to you. We recommend having your fine jewelry appraised every 3-5 years to keep the insured value current.  For any piece valued at more than $100,000, we recommend having it appraised every 1-2 years. Providing detailed photos of your jewelry along with the appraisal to your insurance advisor will help with recreating a replacement piece in the event of a claim.  This process is particularly important when recreating a sentimental piece or antique item.
Another important concern when insuring your jewelry is whether to get replacement cost, agreed value or blanket coverage.  Agreed value means that you and the insurance company agree on the value of the item at the beginning of the policy using the appraisal, and that amount is used if and when there is a loss. Replacement cost takes the appraised value into consideration, but the insurance company will replace the item for less if possible. Blanket value is often used when there is a large collection of pieces, if the value of any one item does not exceed the limit set by the insurance company (typically around $5,000.)

 When it comes to jewelry, agreed value is usually the best option for unique or highly valuable pieces. We insure a wide range of items, and since we are an independent agency, we can find a plan for your pieces that will fit your needs appropriately.

Whatever your Valentine’s gift may be, remember to enjoy the day and focus on what really matters…those you love!

For more information, please visit our website at www.siegelinsurance.com or check us out on your favorite social media platform: Google + / Facebook / Pinterest

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

A Recap of 2014 and A Look Ahead

Andy Siegel, President
2014 was an exceptional year here at Siegel Insurance. We celebrated our 50th year in business as well as received recognition for the 11th consecutive year as a Best Practices Agency from the Independent Insurance Agents and Brokers of America. This is very exciting as there were only 4 in Georgia and 216 in the United States.

We are certainly thankful to our loyal customers who have made the success of our business possible. In order to show our appreciation and serve you better, we’ve added more support in personal lines as well as new insurance carriers to our offering list. This will allow us to better accommodate your needs and to continue to deliver the quality service of which you’ve grown accustomed to from Siegel Insurance. Since we can’t always be in the office, we now offer 24/7 customer support through our new online portal.

Our outlook for 2015 is that property pricing will likely be more stable due to the fact we have not had the numerous, hazardous storms we had a few years ago, but we do predict a slight increase in auto rates, as cars have become more expensive to repair. Since we are an independent agency, we have the flexibility to offer you a broader range of coverage options at competitive prices. This ensures you have an insurance plan tailored to your individual needs and budget.

Thank you for being a valued client of Siegel Insurance. We look forward to continuing our relationship for many more years to come with each and every one of you.


Andy Siegel, CPCU, CIC, AAI
President of Siegel Insurance

For more information, please visit our website at www.siegelinsurance.com or check us out on your favorite social media platform: Google + / Facebook / Pinterest